Friday, October 11, 2024

Extracellular Magnetic Measurements to Determine the Transmembrane Action Potential and the Membrane Conduction Current in a Single Giant Axon

Forty years ago today I was attending my first scientific meeting: The Society for Neuroscience 14th Annual Meeting, held in Anaheim, California (October 10–15, 1984). As a 24-year-old graduate student in the Department of Physics at Vanderbilt University, I presented a poster based on the abstract shown below: “Extracellular Magnetic Measurements to Determine the Transmembrane Action Potential and the Membrane Conduction Current in a Single Giant Axon.”

I can’t remember much about the meeting. I’m sure I flew to California from Nashville, Tennessee, but I can’t recall if my PhD advisor John Wikswo went with me (his name is not listed on any meeting abstract except the one we presented). I believe the meeting was held at the Anaheim Convention Center. I remember walking along the sidewalk outside of Disneyland, but I didn’t go in (I had visited there with my parents as a child).

Neuroscience Society meetings are huge. This one had over 300 sessions and more than 4000 abstracts submitted. In the Oct. 11, 1984 entry in my research notebook, I wrote “My poster session went OK. Several people were quite enthusiastic.” I took notes from talks I listened to, including James Hudspeth discussing hearing, a Presidential Symposium by Gerald Fischbach, and a talk about synaptic biology and learning by Eric Kandel. I was there when Theodore Bullock and Susumu Hagiwara were awarded the Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience.

The research Wikswo and I reported in our abstract was eventually published in my first two peer-reviewed journal articles:

Barach, J. P., B. J. Roth and J. P. Wikswo, Jr., 1985, Magnetic Measurements of Action Currents in a Single Nerve Axon: A Core-Conductor Model. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 32, Pages 136-140.

Roth, B. J. and J. P. Wikswo, Jr., 1985, The Magnetic Field of a Single Axon: A Comparison of Theory and Experiment. Biophysical Journal, Volume 48, Pages 93-109.

Both are cited in Chapter 8 of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.

This neuroscience abstract was not my first publication. I was listed as a coauthor on an abstract to the 1983 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, based on some research I helped with as an undergraduate physics major at the University of Kansas. But I didn’t attend that meeting. In my CV, I have only one publication listed for 1983 and one again in 1984. Then in 1985, they started coming fast and furious. 

Four decades is a long time, but it seems like yesterday.

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Difference between Traditional Magnetic Stimulation and Microcoil Stimulation: Threshold and the Electric Field Gradient

In Chapter 7 of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, Russ Hobbie and I discuss electrical stimulation of nerves. In particular, we describe how neural excitation depends on the duration of the stimulus pulse, leading to the strength-duration curve.
The strength-duration curve for current was first described by Lapicque (1909) as
where i is the current required for stimulation, iR is the rheobase [the minimum current required for a long stimulus pulse], t is the duration of the pulse, and tc is chronaxie, the duration of the pulse that requires twice the rheobase current.

An axon is difficult to excite using a brief pulse, and you have to apply a strong current. This behavior arises because the axon has its own characteristic time, τ (about 1 ms), which is basically the resistance-capacitance (RC) time constant of the cell membrane. If the stimulus duration is much shorter than this time constant, the stimulus strength must increase.

A nerve axon not only has a time constant τ, but also a space constant λ. Is there a similar spatial behavior when exciting a nerve? This is the question my graduate student Mohammed Alzahrani and I addressed in our recent article “The Difference between Traditional Magnetic Stimulation and Microcoil Stimulation: Threshold and the Electric Field Gradient” (Applied Sciences, Volume 14, Article 8349, 2024). The question becomes important during magnetic stimulation with a microcoil. Magnetic stimulation occurs when a pulse of current is passed through a coil held near the head. The changing magnetic field induces an electric field in the brain, and this electric field excites neurons. Recently, researchers have proposed performing magnetic stimulation using tiny “microcoils” that would be implanted in the brain. (Will such microcoils really work? That’s a long story, see here and here.) If the coil is only 100 microns in size, the induced electric field distribution will be quite localized. In fact, it may exist over a distance that’s short compared to the typical space constant of a nerve axon (about 1 mm). Mohammed and I calculated the response of a nerve to the electric field from a microcoil, and found that for a localized field the stimulus strength required for excitation is large.

Figure 6 of our article, reproduced below, plots the gradient of the induced electric field dEx/dx (which, in this case, is the stimulus strength) versus the parameter b (which characterizes the spatial width of the electric field distribution). Note that unlike the plot of the strength-duration curve above, Fig. 6 is a log-log plot

Figure 6 from Alzahrani and Roth, Appl. Sci., 14:8349, 2024

We wrote

Our strength-spatial extent curve in Figure 6 for magnetic stimulation is analogous to the strength-duration curve for electrical stimulation if we replace the stimulus duration [t] by the spatial extent of the stimulus b and the time constant τ by the [space] constant λ. Our results in Figure 6 have a “spatial rheobase” dEx/dx value (1853 mV/cm2) for large values of spatial extent b. At small values of b, the value of dEx/dx rises. If we wanted to define a “spatial chronaxie” (the value of b for which the threshold value of dEx/dx rises by a factor of two), it would be about half a centimeter.
To learn more about this effect you can read our paper, which was published open access so its available free to everyone. Some researchers have used a value of dEx/dx found when stimulating with a large coil held outside the head to estimate the threshold stimulus strength using a microcoil. We ended the paper with this warning:
In conclusion, our results show that even in the case of long, straight nerve fibers, you should not use a threshold value of dEx/dx in a microcoil experiment that was obtained from a traditional magnetic stimulation experiment with a large coil. The threshold value must be scaled to account for the spatial extent of the dEx/dx distribution. Magnetic stimulation is inherently more difficult for microcoils than for traditional large coils, and for the same reason, electrical stimulation is more difficult for short-duration stimulus pulses than for long-duration pulses. The nerve axon has its own time and space constants, and if the pulse duration or the extent of the dEx/dx distribution is smaller than these constants, the threshold stimulation will rise. For microcoil stimulation, the increase can be dramatic.