When photons enter a substance, they may scatter many times before being absorbed or emerging from the substance. This leads to turbidity, which we see, for example, in milk or clouds. The most accurate studies of multiple scattering are done with “Monte Carlo” computer simulation, in which probabilistic calculations are used to follow a large number of photons as they repeatedly interact in the tissue being simulated. However, Monte Carlo techniques use lots of computer time. Various approximate analytical solutions also exist... One of the approximations, the diffusion approximation, is described here. It is valid when many scattering events occur for each photon absorption.
Optical Mapping of Cardiac Excitation and Arrhythmias, edited by Rosenbaum and Jalife. |
Section 14.5
Problem 16 ½ Consider light with fluence rate φ0 continuously and uniformly irradiating a half-infinite slab of tissue having an absorption coefficient μa and a reduced scattering coefficient μ's. Divide the photons into two types: the incident ballistic photons that have not yet interacted with the tissue, and the diffuse photons undergoing multiple scattering. The diffuse photon fluence rate, φ, is governed by the steady state limit of the photon diffusion equation (Eq. 14.26). The source of diffuse photons is the scattering of ballistic photons, so the source term in Eq. 14.26 is s = μ's exp(-z/λunatten), where z is the depth below the tissue surface. At the surface (z=0), the diffuse photons obey the boundary condition φ = 2 D dφ/dz.
(a) Derive an analytical expression for the diffuse photon fluence rate in the tissue, phi(z).
(b) Plot φ(z) versus z for μa=0.08 mm−1 and μ's=4 mm−1.
(c) Evaluate λunatten and λdiffuse for these parameters.The most interesting aspect of this calculation is that the diffuse photon fluence rate is not maximum at the tissue surface, but rather it builds up to a peak below the surface, somewhat like the imparted energy from 10 MeV photons shown in Fig. 15.32. This has some interesting implications for optical mapping of the heart: subsurface tissue may contribute more to the optical signal than surface tissue.
If you want the solution, send me an email (roth@oakland.edu) and I will gladly supply it.