For instance, a video from December 2007 titled “Baby Thinking” describes a technique using diffuse optical tomography to study brain activity in children. Diffuse optical tomography is based on the diffusion of infrared and visible light through biological tissue, a topic examined in Chapter 14 of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology. The November 2007 video titled “Safer MRI Scans for Heart Patients” explains how magnetic resonance images can be obtained safely in patients with implanted pacemakers and defibrillators. Pacemakers are described in Chapter 7, and MRI is explained in Chapter 18, of our textbook.
For those teachers who spend a lecture on the technical aspects of, say, optical diffusion may want to end the class with a 90 second video describing a potential application to modern medicine. It could help make the the basic science learned from Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology more relevant to the students.