Friday, March 7, 2025

Einstein and Smoluchowski

In Chapter 4 of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, Russ Hobbie and I discuss the Einstein relationship between diffusion and viscosity. We wrote
The diffusion constant…is closely related to the viscosity, as was first pointed out by Albert Einstein. This is not surprising, since diffusion is caused by the random motion of particles under the bombardment of neighboring atoms, and viscous drag is also caused by the bombardment of neighboring atoms.
All this random bombardment is also related to Brownian motion: the random movement of small particles when they collide with many water molecules.

What is typically referred to as the Einstein relationship is given by our Eq. 4.22,

      D = kT/β,       (4.22)

where D is the diffusion constant, k is Boltzman’s constant, T is the absolute temperature, and β is a factor relating the viscous force to the drift velocity, sometimes called the frictional drag coefficient. Essentially, β is like the reciprocal of the mobility. This equation doesn’t contain the viscosity, but if you use Stokes’ law for β you get

      D = kT/6πηa,     (4.23)

where a is the radius of the particle being considered and η is the coefficient of viscosity.

Russ and I refer to Eq. 4.22 as the Einstein relationship. However, if you look in Howard Berg’s marvelous book Random Walks in Biology, you find this expression is called the Einstein-Smoluchowski relationship. So the natural question is: just who is this Smoluchowski?

To answer that question, I consulted my favorite biography of Einstein, Abraham Pais’s Subtle is the Lord. Pais writes
If Marian Ritter von Smolan-Smoluchowski had been only an outstanding theoretical physicist and not a fine experimentalist as well, he would probably have been the first to publish a quantitative theory of Brownian motion.

Smoluchowski, born to a Polish family, spent his early years in Vienna, where he also received a university education. After finishing his studies in 1894, he worked in several laboratories abroad, and then returned to Vienna, where he became Privatdozent. In 1900 he became professor of theoretical physics in Lemberg (now Lvov), where he stayed until 1913. In that period he did his major work. In 1913 he took over the directorship of the Institute for Experimental Physics at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. There he died in 1917, victim of a dysentery epidemic.

It is quite remarkable how often Smoluchowski and Einstein simultaneously and independently pursued similar if not identical problems. In 1904 Einstein worked on energy fluctuations, Smoluchowski on particle number fluctuations of an ideal gas. Einstein completed his first paper on Brownian motion in May 1905; Smoluchowski his in July 1906.
So even the great Einstein had competition for many of his ideas. In fact, Smoluchowski nearly derived the relationship first. Pais continues
Smoluchowski began his 1906 paper by referring to Einstein’s two articles of 1905: “The findings [of those papers] agree completely with some results which I had… obtained several years ago and which I consider since then as an important argument for the kinetic nature of this phenomenon.” Then why had he not published earlier? “Although it has not been possible for me till now to undertake an experimental test of the consequences of this point of view, something I originally intended to do, I have decided to publish these considerations…”
Apparently he wanted to get experimental support for his ideas, and by waiting he got scooped.

Both Einstein and Smoluchowski went on to independently study critical opalescence: how the scattering of light passing through a gas increases in the neighborhood of a critical point. Pais concludes
Smoluchowski’s last contribution to this problem [of critical opalescence] was experimental: he wanted to reproduce the blue of the sky in a terrestrial experiment. Preliminary results looked promising, and he announced that more detailed experiments were in progress. He did not live to complete them.

After Smoluchowski’s death, Sommerfeld and Einstein wrote obituaries in praise of a good man and a great scientist. Einstein called him an ingenious man of research and a noble and subtle human being.

Friday, February 28, 2025

My Final Question

The cover of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
Suppose I died tomorrow. When my soul came before that great scientist in the sky, she might say “because of your contributions to Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, I’ll answer one question for you. What is your question?” I can think of many things I would like to know, but the question I’d ask is: “is the linear no-threshold model appropriate at low doses?”

What’s the linear no-threshold model, and why’s it so important? Russ Hobbie and I explain it in Chapter 16 of IPMB.
In dealing with radiation to the population at large, or to populations of radiation workers, the policy of the various regulatory agencies has been to adopt the linear no-threshold (LNT) model to extrapolate from what is known about the excess risk of cancer at moderately high doses and high dose rates to low doses, including those below natural background.

If the excess probability of acquiring a particular disease is αH in a population N [where H is the equivalent dose per person in sieverts and α is a proportionality constant], the average number of extra persons with the disease is

                 mα N H.         (16.42)

The product NH, expressed in person Sv, is called the collective dose. It is widely used in radiation protection, but it is meaningful only if the LNT assumption is correct. Small doses to very large populations can give fairly large values of m, assuming that the value of α determined at large doses is valid at small doses.”

Let me give you an example of why this question is so consequential. Should our society spend its time and money trying to reduce radon exposure in people’s homes? Radon is a radioactive gas that is produced in the decay chain of uranium. This noble gas can seep into basements, where it may be breathed into the lungs. The decay of radon and its progeny can cause lung cancer. However, the typical yearly dose from radon is very low, about 2 mSv. For an individual the resulting cancer risk is tiny, but if the linear no-threshold model is correct then when multiplied by the population of the United States (over 300,000,000) there can be tens of thousands of cancer deaths each year caused by radon. On the other hand, if a threshold exists below which there is no risk of cancer, then radon probably causes few if any cancer deaths. So, from a public health perspective, the answer to my question about the validity of the linear no-threshold model is crucial.

Other examples are

  • The severity of low-dose, widespread exposure to radiation caused by a terrorist attack, such as a small amount of radioactivity dissolved in the water supply of a major city, 
  • The hazard caused by low-dose x-ray backscatter scanners used at airports for security, 
  • The danger from the release into the Pacific Ocean of minuscule amounts of radioactivity in water leftover from the Fukushima nuclear accident, or 
  • The risks associated with storing radioactive waste from nuclear power plants in underground storage facilities.
All these situations have one thing in common: small individual doses to a large number of people. Public health officials need to know whether or not the collective dose is significant, and is it something we should spend our scarce resources trying to minimize.

On that fateful day I fear that even if she answers my last question, I won’t be able share it with you, dear readers (I don’t think they allow blogging down there). We’ll just have to examine the evidence available today.

Friday, February 21, 2025


One goal of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology is to provide readers with an understanding of the physics underlying biomedicine, so they can recognize and refute pseudoscientific ideas. For instance, in Chapter 9 of IPMB Russ Hobbie and I discuss the physics behind the discredited claim that weak, low frequency electromagnetic fields (ranging in frequency from 60 Hz powerline fields to cell phone radiowaves) are dangerous.

These days, with so much pseudoscience parading as fact, and with the United State’s Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services being a leading proponent of anti-science nonsense, what we need is something to point out and refute all this quackery. What we need is According Quackwatch’s mission statement, 

Quackwatch is a network of Web sites and mailing lists developed by Stephen Barrett, M.D. and maintained by the Center for Inquiry (CFI). Their primary focus is on quackery-related information that is difficult or impossible to get elsewhere. Dr. Barrett’s activities include:
  • Investigating questionable claims
  • Answering inquiries about products and services
  • Advising quackery victims
  • Distributing reliable publications
  • Debunking pseudoscientific claims
  • Reporting illegal marketing
  • Improving the quality of health information on the Internet
  • Attacking misleading advertising on the Internet 

For those of you who prefer social media, you can follow Quackwatch on Facebook and Twitter.

Are Electromagnetic Fields Making Me Ill? superimposed on the cover of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
Quackwatch was established by Stephen Barrett, a retired medical doctor. These days he’s in his 90’s and deserves a rest after a lifetime of defending science. Unfortunately, there’s no rest for the weary; we need him now more than ever.

Five years ago, Quackwatch become part of the Center for Inquiry, another group that opposes pseudoscience malarkey and that publishes the Skeptical Inquirer magazine. I mention both Quackwatch and the Center for Inquiry in my book Are Electromagnetic Fields Making Me Ill?

Thank you Stephen Barrett for giving the world your wonderful website I wish we all deserved it. 


Quackery: A History of Fake Medicine and Cure-alls. CBS Sunday Morning.

My 50+ Years of Antiquackery Activity with Stephen Barrett and William M. London. Center for Inquiry.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Sine and Cosine Integrals and the Delta Function

The cover of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
Trigger warning: This post is for mature audiences only; it may contain Fourier transforms and Dirac delta functions

In Chapter 11 of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, Russ Hobbie and I examine some properties of Fourier transforms. In particular, we consider three integrals of sines and cosines. After some analysis, we conclude that these integrals are related to the Dirac delta function, δ(ωω’), equal to infinity at ωω’ and zero everywhere else (it’s a strange function consisting of one really tall, thin spike).

Are these equations correct? I now believe that they’re almost right, but not entirely. I propose that instead they should be 

You’re probably thinking “what a pity, the second three equations looks more complicated than the first three.” I agree. But let me explain why I think they’re better. Hang on, it’s a long story.

Let’s go back to our definition of the Fourier transform in Eq. 11.57 of IPMB

The first thing to note is that y(t) consists of two parts. The first depends on cos(ωt), which is an even function, meaning cos(–ωt) = cos(ωt). There’s an integral over ω, implying that many different frequencies contribute to y(t), weighted by the function C(ω). But one thing we know for sure is that when you add up the contributions from all these many frequencies, the result must be an even function (the sum of even functions is an even function). The second part depends on sin(ωt), which is an odd function, sin(–ωt) = – sin(ωt). Again, when you add up all the contributions from these many frequencies weighted by S(ω), you must get an odd function. So, we can say that we’re writing y(t) as the sum of an even part, yeven(t), and an odd part, yodd(t). In that case, we can rewrite our Fourier transform expressions as

We should be able to take our expression for yeven(t), put our expression for C(ω) into it, and then—if all works as it should—get back yeven(t). Let’s try it and see if it works. To start I’ll just rewrite the first of the four equations listed above

Now for C(ω) I’ll use the third of the four equations listed above. In that expression, there is an integral over t, but t is a dummy variable (it’s an “internal” variable; after you do the integral, the result does not depend on t), so to keep things from getting confusing we’ll call the dummy variable by another name, t'

Next switch the order of the integrals, so the integral over t' is on the outside and the integral over ω is on the inside

Ha! There, inside the bracket, is one of those integrals were’re talking about. Okay, the variables ω and t are swapped, but otherwise it’s the same. So, let’s put in our new expression for the integral

The 2π’s cancel, and a factor of one half comes out. An integral containing a delta function just picks out the value where the argument of the delta function is zero. We get

But, we know that yeven(t) is an even function, meaning yeven(–t) equals yeven(t). So finally

It works! We go “around the loop” and get back our original function.

You could perform another calculation just like this one but for yodd(t). Stop reading and do it, to convince yourself that again you get back to where you started from, yodd(t) = yodd(t).

Now, you folks who are really on the ball might realize that if you had used the old delta function relationships given in IPMB (the first three equations in this post), they would also work. (Again, try it and see.) So why use my fancy new formulas? Well, if you have an integral that adds up a bunch of cos(ωt), you know you’re gonna get an even function. There’s no way it can be equal to δ(ωω’), because that function is neither even nor odd. So, it just doesn’t make sense to say that summing up a bunch of even functions gives you something that isn’t even. In my new formula, that sum of two delta functions is an even function. The same argument holds for the integral with sin(ωt), which must be odd.

Finally (and this is what got me started down this rabbit hole), you often see the delta function written as

Jackson even gives this equation, so it MUST be correct. (For those of who aren’t physicists, John David Jackson wrote the highly regarded graduate textbook Classical Electrodynamics, known by physics graduate students simply as “Jackson.”)

In Jackson’s equation, i is the square root of minus one. So, this representation of the delta function uses complex numbers. You won’t see it in IPMB because Russ and I avoid complex numbers (I hate them).

Let’s use the Euler formula e = cosθ + i sinθ to change the integral in Jackson’s delta function expression to

Now use a couple trig identities, cos(AB) = cosA cosB + sinA sinB and sin(AB) = sinA cosB –cosA sinB, to get

This is really four integrals,

Then, using the relations between these integrals and the delta function given in IPMB (the first three equations at the top of this post), you get that the sum of these integrals is equal to

which is obviously wrong; we started with 2πδ and ended up with 4πδ. Even worse, do the same calculation for δ(ω + ω') with a plus instead of a minus in front of the ω'. I’ll leave it to you to work out the details, but you’ll get zero! Again, nonsense. However, if you use the integral relations I propose above (second set of three integrals at the top of this blog), everything works just fine (try it).

Gene Surdutovich, my new coauthor for the sixth edition of IPMB, and I are still deciding how to discuss this issue in the new edition (which we are hard at work on but I doubt will be out within the next year). I don’t want to get bogged down in mathematical minutia that isn’t essential to our book’s goals, but I want our discussion to be correct. Once the sixth edition is published, you can see how we handle it.

I haven’t seen my new delta function/Fourier integral relationships in any other textbook or math handbook. This makes me nervous. Are they correct? Moreover, Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology does not typically contain new mathematical results. Maybe I haven’t looked hard enough to see if someone else published these equations (if you’ve seen them before, let me know where…please!). Maybe I’ll find these results in Morse and Feshbach (another one of those textbooks known to all physics graduate students) or some other mathematical tome. I need to make a trip to the Oakland University library to look through their book collection, but right now its too cold and snowy (we got about four to five inches of the white stuff in the last 48 hours).

Friday, February 7, 2025

The Air They Breathe

I’m used to thinking about climate change from a physics perspective: what technologies can we use to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and methane going into the atmosphere. Even when I consider the health effects of climate change, I tend to focus on the technical aspects (as you might expect from an author of a book titled Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology). Moreover, I often consider the long-term risks of climate change, and how it will harm future generations.

The Air They Breathe, by Debra Hendrickson, superimposed on the cover of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
The Air They Breathe,
by Debra Hendrickson.
In her wonderful new book The Air They Breathe: A Pediatrician on the Front Lines of Climate Change, Debra Hendrickson has a different perspective. She explains how climate change is harming her young patients today. Specifically, she highlights four ways they are in danger.

1. Bad air from burning fossil fuels and from forest fires caused by climate change hurts children, particularly those with breathing problems like asthma. Here in Michigan, sometimes climate change seems a distant threat. But I remember the summer of 2023, when the air in the Detroit area was filled with smoke from fires in Canada. Hendrickson often makes her points by examples of specific children, such as a young girl named Anna, whose asthma was worsened by a forest fire burning near her home in Reno, Nevada in 2013. In The Air They Breathe, Hendrickson writes
Since Anna’s visit to my clinic that afternoon, thousands of other wildfires have raged through California, just a few miles to our west. They have grown bigger and more explosive, devouring not just forests, but towns. Every summer and fall now, waves of smoke pass through my city, and more of my young patients cough and wheeze. In 2018, the Mendocino Complex wildfire would become the largest California had ever seen, darkening the skies for weeks. Only two years later, in 2020, the August Complex fire would shatter that record, becoming the first to burn more than a million acres. And in 2021 we spent not just days breathing smoke, as we did in 2013, but months, as both the Dixie and Caldor fires raged a few miles away.

When I look back today, I see that the Rim Fire was not an isolated event, as it seemed to us then; it was the beginning of a trend. It was a sample of the world we are creating for our children.
2. Excessive heat can cause heatstroke in children, particularly in infants left in hot cars and high school football players who practice in the extreme heat. Children are especially sensitive to overheating. Heat waves can kill. Hendrickson tells the story of Joey Azuela, a child who almost died when hiking on a hot summer day near Phoenix, Arizona, saved only after being rushed to a hospital where he was covered with ice and injected with cold saline. She writes
Heatstroke is treated with extreme urgency; minutes make the difference between life and death. Joey Azuela is alive because he was cooled so quickly. Yet as the world watches temperatures climb, we drift, and delay; we risk pushing the planet to tipping points of rapid and uncontrollable changes, from which we cannot recover. The speed of our response is everything. It will determine not just the type of future our children have, but whether they have a future, at all.
3. Trauma and post traumatic stress disorder can occur in children who experience disasters caused by climate change, such as a hurricane, flood, or forest fire. Hendrickson examines in particular how in 2017 hurricane Harvey dumped as much as 40 inches of rain on Houston, Texas. One boy, Lucus, had to escape the rising water with his mother and siblings from their neighbor’s roof, saved by a passing boat. She writes
Natural disasters have always plagued us; the events themselves are nothing new. But a warming world is turning up their dial, and with it, the potential for trauma. Though some years are better than others, weather-related catastrophes are clearly trending worse over time: becoming more frequent, more powerful, and more destructive. Globally, natural disasters have increased fivefold over the last half century. Extreme weather events—the worst examples of these disasters, like 100-year floods and Category 4 hurricanes—are growing steadily more severe, and more common.
4. Infectious diseases, such as an increase in malaria caused by a greater range for mosquitoes, are becoming more common with global warming. Hendrickson tells us about Darah, an infant born in New Jersey who got the Zika virus from her mother while in the womb, and who suffered from microcephaly: an underdeveloped brain. She explains
To understand the connection between climate change and Darah’s case, we have to zoom out from her small New Jersey apartment and see that she shares this planet with trillions of other living things. That her body is linked to the Earth not just by water and air, but by a rich sea of organisms, friend and foe, living within and around her. Many of them are being affected by rising temperatures and shifting rains; by changes in habitats and seasons.

One point this book makes clear is the health care and climate change are not separate issues. The two are intertwined. Another point is that this is not merely a problem that we will all face in the coming decades. It’s happening now, as described by the horrific stories of these children. I found this book to be a call to action. It motivates me to make an even greater effort to address global warming, because—as Hendrickson warns us—“The only heroes our children have are us.”

Friday, January 31, 2025

Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism

Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism, by Peter Hotez, superimposed on the cover of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
Vaccines Did Not
Cause Rachel’s Autism
by Peter Hotez.
I recently listened to an audio recording of Peter Hotez’s book Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachels Autism: My Journey as a Vaccine Scientist, Pediatrician, and Autism Dad. Hotez is the same author who wrote The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science, which I reviewed previously in this blog. I’m troubled by the current anti-vaccine sentiment, which is foolish and dangerous. Along with climate change denial, vaccine hesitancy is a worrisome example of an alarming anti-science movement in the United States.

Hotez’s book provides insight into the challenges faced by parents with autistic children (by the way, Peter Hotez is not the hero of this book; the hero is his wife Ann). Moreover, the book makes a compelling argument that vaccines do not cause autism. Hotez reviews much of the scientific literature relevant to the relationship of vaccines to autism. In particular, he mentions a meta-analysis of clinical studies published by a group from Australia. As much as I enjoyed and admired Hotez’s book, I probably would have led off by discussing that publication, rather than waiting until late in the book to bring it up.

“Vaccines are Not Associated With Autism: An Evidence-Based Meta-Analysis of Case-Control and Cohort Studies” by Taylor, Swerdfeger, and Eslick, superimposed on Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
Vaccines are Not Associated With Autism:
An Evidence-Based Meta-Analysis of
Case-Control and Cohort Studies

by Taylor, Swerdfeger, and Eslick,
Vaccine, 32:3623–3629, 2014.
Today I’ll discuss that article, titled “Vaccines are Not Associated With Autism: An Evidence-Based Meta-Analysis of Case-Control and Cohort Studies” by Luke Taylor, Amy Swerdfeger, and Guy Eslick. This paper appeared in 2014 in the journal Vaccine (Volume 32, Pages 3623–3629). The abstract appears below.
There has been enormous debate regarding the possibility of a link between childhood vaccinations and the subsequent development of autism. This has in recent times become a major public health issue with vaccine preventable diseases increasing in the community due to the fear of a ‘link’ between vaccinations and autism. We performed a meta-analysis to summarise available evidence from case-control and cohort studies on this topic (MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, Google Scholar up to April, 2014). Eligible studies assessed the relationship between vaccine administration and the subsequent development of autism or autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Two reviewers extracted data on study characteristics, methods, and outcomes. Disagreement was resolved by consensus with another author. Five cohort studies involving 1,256,407 children, and five case-control studies involving 9,920 children were included in this analysis. The cohort data revealed no relationship between vaccination and autism (OR: 0.99; 95% CI: 0.92 to 1.06) or ASD (OR: 0.91; 95% CI: 0.68 to 1.20), nor was there a relationship between autism and MMR (OR: 0.84; 95% CI: 0.70 to 1.01), or thimerosal (OR: 1.00; 95% CI: 0.77 to 1.31), or mercury (Hg) (OR: 1.00; 95% CI: 0.93 to 1.07). Similarly the case-control data found no evidence for increased risk of developing autism or ASD following MMR, Hg, or thimersal exposure when grouped by condition (OR: 0.90, 95% CI: 0.83 to 0.98; p = 0.02) or grouped by exposure type (OR: 0.85, 95% CI: 0.76 to 0.95; p = 0.01). Findings of this meta-analysis suggest that vaccinations are not associated with the development of autism or autism spectrum disorder. Furthermore, the components of the vaccines (thimersal or mercury) or multiple vaccines (MMR) are not associated with the development of autism or autism spectrum disorder.
Some of the terms and concepts mentioned in the abstract may be unfamiliar, so let me explain them.
  • Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism is a disorder of the nervous system that begins during the development of a fetus. An autistic person may engage in repetitive, inflexible behaviors or have problems interacting with people. The disorder can vary in its severity and symptoms, so people with different degrees of severity are said to be on the autism spectrum.
  • Vaccine. A vaccine is a biological agent that stimulates a person’s immune system to recognize and destroy a microorganism causing an infectious disease. Vaccines are often made from a weakened form of the microbe.
  • The MMR Vaccine. The MMR vaccine protects children against three diseases: measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles). An initial dose of the MMR vaccine is typically given around a child’s first birthday and a second dose before entering school. It’s usually given by injection.
  • Thimersal-Containing Vaccine. Thimersal is a molecule containing mercury. The element mercury, whose chemical symbol is Hg, is a known toxin. However, not all molecules containing mercury are as toxic as is mercury metal itself. Mercury compounds like thimersal are used in low doses as a preservative in some vaccines. Before 1991, thimersal was included in the childhood vaccine DPT which protects against diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), and pertussis (whopping cough). Now no childhood vaccines contain thimersal, although it’s still used in some flu vaccines.
  • Meta-Analysis. Meta-analysis is a statistical method of analyzing and summarizing several clinical trials. A meta-analysis can increase the number of patients being analyzed, resulting a more statistical power. It can also help in resolving studies with inconsistent results.
  • Case-Control Study. A case-control study is a clinical study that compares two groups: one having a disease and one not (the control). It is often retrospective, meaning it uses existing data from people known to have a disease, and therefore can be conducted quickly.
  • Cohort Study. A cohort study is a clinical trial that takes a group of people and follows them through time to determine what fraction develop some disease. It is prospective, collecting data on exposure to some suspected cause. A cohort study can take a long time to complete and, for a rare disease, requires studying a large population, but it’s less susceptible to bias than a case-control study.
  • Odds Ratio. The odds ratio (OR) is a statistical measure to determine if some factor has an effect. For example, suppose in a case-control study you examined the medical records of 600 people who had the MMR vaccine; 570 were healthy but 30 had autism (the odds of being healthy are 570:30, or 19:1). As a control, you examined the medical records of 400 people who did not have the MMR vaccine; 380 were healthy but 20 had autism (the odds of being healthy are 380:20, or 19:1). In that case, the odds ratio would be
    When the odds ratio is one, you conclude the MMR vaccine had no effect (the odds of having autism are the same whether or not you had the vaccine). If, however, among the 600 people who had the MMR vaccine 510 were healthy and 90 had autism (with the control group being unchanged from that given above) then the odds ratio would be
    In this case, the MMR vaccine would have a clear effect. For smoking and lung cancer, the odds ratio is quite large, about 10.
  • 95% Confidence Interval. How large must the odds ratio be in order to conclude there is some effect? That depends on how much uncertainty there is. For instance, if you flip a coin four times, the most likely result is two heads and two tails. However, there is still one chance out of sixteen, about 6%, that you’ll get four heads. If you want to be more certain that a coin is fair and not biased, you would need to flip the coin more than four times. In the same spirit, to completely characterize how much confidence you have in the result of a clinical trial, you must indicate how large the uncertainty is in the result. Most clinical studies will give the odds ratio and a range of values for which—based on a statistical analysis—there is a 95% chance that the odds ratio is within that interval. The convention is that if the 95% confidence interval does not contain the value of one, then there is a statistically significant effect. If it does contain one, any effect is not statistically significant. Using a value of 95%, rather than say 98%, is arbitrary, but you have to draw the line somewhere, and 95% confidence is the usual medical criteria for significance. For example, if in one of these autism studies the odds ratio was 1.05 and the 95% confidence interval was 0.8 to 1.3, you would conclude that there is not a statistically significant effect of the vaccine. If, on the other hand, the odds ratio were 1.05 and the 95% confidence interval was 1.02 to 1.08, you would conclude there is a small but statistically significant effect of the vaccine on autism. Note that in statistics the word “significance” does not mean “important.” It means “unlikely to be due to chance.” One virtue of a meta-analysis is that by combining several studies the number of people analyzed increases, which can shrink the 95% confidence range, which provides better statistical power to say if the odds ratio is significantly different than one. 
  • p-value. Whenever you have an arbitrary threshold, like saying a result is or is not statistically significant, you worry about cases that are near the threshold. To provide additional information, researchers sometimes give the p-value. It is the probability that a result at least this extreme could happen by chance. In medicine, usually p = 0.05 is the cutoff between a result being considered significant or not significant. But if the result has p = 0.03, you might say it is significant (less than 0.05) but you might think that it is still questionable and maybe you should repeat that study with a larger number of people. On the other hand, if p = 0.0002 you would say that the result almost certainly didn’t happen by chance and you would therefore have a lot of confidence in it. In this meta-analysis, the p-value is sometimes given, especially for borderline cases, to help the reader estimate the true significance of the result.
  • MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, Google Scholar. These databases contain information about scientific publications, including articles describing clinical trials. They can be searched using various keywords to find publications about a particular subject. MEDLINE is a database compiled by the National Library of Medicine, and covers all biomedical research. It can be searched online using a tool called PubMed, which includes MEDLINE plus a few other databases. EMBASE is an international database that focuses on the pharmaceutical industry. Google Scholar is a free web search engine that covers all scholarly publications.

Now that we understand the vocabulary, what does this meta-analysis show? It indicates that there is no evidence supporting a connection between vaccines and the development of autism. It also shows there is no risk that thimersal or mercury causes autism. In fact, some of the results suggest a weak protective effect caused by thimersal. For example, an odds ratio of 0.85 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.76 to 0.95 suggests that the odds ratio may be slightly less than one, which means the vaccine prevents people from getting autism. However, the p-value for this result was 0.01 which is small but not that small, and I wouldn’t put too much confidence in the claim that the vaccine is protective. But the results sure don’t suggest there is a health risk.

What I’ve analyzed today is one paper, albeit a meta-analysis. It’s over ten years old. There are lots of other data out there now, and Hotez describes some of it in Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism. He also emphasizes that autism is thought to arise from problems during the development of a fetus, long before the child receives any vaccines, so there’s no reason to suspect vaccines as a cause of autism. All this evidence, taken together, implies the probability of vaccines causing autism is extremely low.

Why do people still claim vaccines cause autism? There will certainly be cases where a child will receive a vaccine and then start showing symptoms of being on the autism spectrum. Some might point to such cases and say “see, I told you so!” The question is, how many of those children would have started showing symptoms of autism even if they didn’t get the vaccine? Homework problem 9 in Chapter 3 of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology explores this type of question quantitatively. The reason you need a large, controlled statistical study is so you’re not fooled by a few such coincidences.

One thing clinical studies, such as the one that I discussed today, cannot give you is certainty. You can’t say with absolute certainty (p = 0) that vaccines don’t cause autism. Science doesn’t deal in certainties, just probabilities. All you can say is that the evidence suggests there is no connection between vaccines and autism. The best you can do is to collect enough evidence so that the probability of a relationship is very small. That is where we are today. The probability of vaccines causing autism is extremely low. That’s the best conclusion science can offer. And when the probability is vanishingly small, we often feel confident in summarizing the situation with a simple (if somewhat too simple) declarative sentence, such as Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism.

Outbreak News TV: Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism.

Peter Hotez wins award for Scientific Freedom and Responsibility.

Dr. Peter Hotez's mission to make a difference.

Friday, January 24, 2025

The Physics of Butterflies

Marilyn Trent (the founder of Rochester Pollinators, left), my wife Shirley (center), and me (right), volunteering with Rochester Pollinators
Marilyn Trent (the founder of
Rochester Pollinators, left), my
wife Shirley (center), and me (right).
While my wife and I like birds and bees, we love the butterflies. We
re both part of a group called Rochester Pollinators, whose mission is 

to provide education and resources to preserve the Monarch butterfly and pollinator population. We believe every citizen can help our local pollinators flourish by reintroducing Michigan native plants into local landscapes, including home gardens, businesses, and municipal landscapes. We aim to reach as many people as we can with this message!

Hooray for butterflies! Not only are they fun to see, but they illustrate a lot of physics. So now, in this last installment of my series on The Physics of Native Gardening, we turn to the physics of butterflies.


Birds, bees, and butterflies each have their own unique way of flying. Christoffer Johansson and Per Henningsson have analyzed butterfly flight. Below is the abstract of their article (Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Volume 18, Article Number 20200854, 2021).
Butterflies look like no other flying animal, with unusually short, broad and large wings relative to their body size. Previous studies have suggested butterflies use several unsteady aerodynamic mechanisms to boost force production with upstroke wing clap being a prominent feature. When the wings clap together at the end of upstroke the air between the wings is pressed out, creating a jet, pushing the animal in the opposite direction. Although viewed, for the last 50 years, as a crucial mechanism in insect flight, quantitative aerodynamic measurements of the clap in freely flying animals are lacking. Using quantitative flow measurements behind freely flying butterflies during take-off and a mechanical clapper, we provide aerodynamic performance estimates for the wing clap. We show that flexible butterfly wings, forming a cupped shape during the upstroke and clap, thrust the butterfly forwards, while the downstroke is used for weight support. We further show that flexible wings dramatically increase the useful impulse (+22%) and efficiency (+28%) of the clap compared to rigid wings. Combined, our results suggest butterflies evolved a highly effective clap, which provides a mechanistic hypothesis for their unique wing morphology. Furthermore, our findings could aid the design of man-made flapping drones, boosting propulsive performance.

Compound Eye

The Feynman Lectures on Physics, by Richard Feynman, superimposed on the cover of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
The Feynman Lectures on Physics,
by Richard Feynman.
Butterflies, like most insects, have a compound eye. Richard Feynman, in his famous Lectures on Physics, discusses the visual acuity of these eyes.
A compound eye… is made of a large number of special cells called ommatidia, which are arranged conically on the surface of a sphere (roughly) on the outside of the... head…
How well can such an eye see? The angle subtended by the ommatidia depends on its width on the sphere surface. The closer the ommatidia are packed, the finer the visual acuity. However, light also undergoes diffraction. When the size of the ommatidia is similar to the wavelength of the light, diffraction smears the light out, destroying your resolution. Feynman writes
If we make the [width] too small, then each ommatidium does not look in only one direction, because of diffraction! If we make them too big, each one sees in a definite direction, but there are not enough of them to get a good view of the scene. So [evolution] adjusts the [width] in order to make minimal the total effect of these two.
So the structure of the butterfly’s eye is a trade off between having a lot of small ommatidia and having fewer that are not corrupted by diffraction. I find it interesting how physics often constrains and guides evolution.

Polarization Vision

Feynman also describes another fascinating ability of butterflies and other insects: they can sense polarized light. Recall that light is an electromagnetic wave. The electric field is directed perpendicular to the direction that the wave propagates. But if the wave propagates in the z direction, then there are two possibilities for the direction of the electric field: x or y. These two, or some combination, is what we mean when we talk about the polarization of the light. Feynman writes about bees, but the same thing applies to butterflies.
Another interesting aspect of the vision of the bee is that bees can apparently tell the direction of the sun by looking at a patch of blue sky, without seeing the sun itself. We cannot easily do this. If we look out the window at the sky and see that it is blue, in which direction is the sun? The bee can tell, because the bee is quite sensitive to the polarization of light, and the scattered light of the sky is polarized.
We sometimes get Monarch butterflies visiting our gardens. We plant various types of milkweed specifically to attract them. Monarchs may use polarization to help them migrate from here in Michigan down to Mexico to spend the winter.

Wing Color

From Photon to Neuron, by Philip Nelson, superimposed on the cover of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
From Photon to Neuron,
by Philip Nelson.

 The color of butterfly wings is a fascinating example of optics at work. For an explanation, I quote from Philip Nelson’s book From Photon to Neuron: Light, Imaging, Vision.

Some animals display vivid colors, for purposes such as identifying potential mates. Many of these colors involve pigment molecules that selectively absorb light. But some colors, for example, those on certain butterfly wings, beetle wing cases, and bird plumage, have a very different character…

The wings of Morpho butterflies are covered with scales made mainly of a transparent substance (called cuticle)… The scales [contain] a complex structure with alternating layers of cuticle and air…
The color arises from constructive and destructive interference. Reflections off of each layer interfere constructively if the difference in path length is equal to one, two, or more integral number of wavelengths of the light. In that case, the reflected light appears bright. If the difference in path length is a half, or one and a half, etc. wavelengths, the light undergoes destructive interference and appears dark. The wavelength depends on the color of the light, so some colors will be bright and some dark. Moreover, the condition for interference depends on the angle that the light hits the wing, so the color will change with the viewing angle: iridescence.

Unfortunately, I’ve never seen a Morpho butterfly in Michigan. We have mostly monarchs and swallowtails, and a lot of those little cabbage whites. We hope this year we’ll have many more.

Before I end, I want to share with you a beautiful poster of a butterfly garden, painted by Thomas W. Ford. We purchased it at the Four Seasons Nursery in Traverse City, Michigan. Enjoy!

Butterfly Garden, by Thomas W. Ford.
Butterfly Garden,
by Thomas W. Ford.

This concludes my four-part series on the physics of native gardening. It’s cold now, but spring is just a few weeks away. I can’t wait to be back at it! 

 Why Native Plants

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Physics of Bees

In this third installment of The Physics of Native Gardening series, I look at the physics of bees. Each year we get more and more bees coming to our garden. I especially like the big, fat bumblebees. Some days there are so many bees that they swarm their favorite flowers. You can tell they are hard at work gathering pollen; busy as a bee.

Bumblebee Flight

Sometimes you’ll hear nonsense claiming that according to the laws of physics bumblebees can’t fly. A focus article about a 2016 Physical Review Letters paper states
Relatively small insects, like bees and house flies, have a different flying strategy than larger insects and birds. They have fairly rigid wings, which they flap as much as a hundred times per second. The flapping motion is not strictly up and down like for birds but more forward and backward… Starting with the wings “clapped” together and vertical behind the insect’s back, the wings then tilt steeply away from one another as the forward stroke begins. As they move, the wings produce low pressure in the region just behind the leading edge... The air in front of the wings curls up and over them and forms a horizontal, tornado-like vortex along the back side of the leading edge. Previous experiments and computer simulations have shown that leading edge vortices produce a suction effect that gives the necessary lift for keeping an insect aloft.

Ultraviolet Vision

An Immense World, by Ed Yong, superimposed on the cover of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
An Immense World,
by Ed Yong.
Bee vision is different than human vision. The human retina has three color receptors, each sensitive to different frequencies in the visible spectrum (blue, green, and red). The bee also has three receptors, but only two are in the visible spectrum (blue and green); the other is in the ultraviolet (light with a wave length shorter than what the human eye can see). In his book An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us, Ed Yong wrote
Flowers use dramatic UV [ultraviolet] patterns to advertise their wares to pollinators. Sunflowers, marigolds, and black-eyed Susans all look uniformly colored to human eyes, but bees can see the UV patches at the bases of their petals, which form vivid bullseyes. Usually, these shapes are guides that indicate the position of nectar.

Oxygen Diffusion

Bees don’t have lungs. Yet, all that flying means they need a lot of oxygen to power their high metabolism. How do they supply oxygen to their muscles?

Instead of having vessels to transport blood, insects use small, air-filled pipes (trachea) that deliver oxygen. The pipes typically have a dead end, so you can’t just flow air through them. The oxygen is supplied by diffusion.

Diffusion is the movement of a molecule from a region of high concentration to low concentration. It works quickly over short distances, but takes a long time over long distances. Russ Hobbie and I discuss diffusion in Chapter 4 of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology. Oxygen can diffuse through air ten thousand times faster than it can diffuse through water. Therefore, filling these insect pipes with blood would make oxygen diffusion way too slow. But having them filled with air means plenty of oxygen can diffuse in, powering flight.

One potential problem for bees would be if water was sucked into their trachea by capillary action. This would drastically lower the diffusion of oxygen. To avoid this, the trachea may be coated by a waxy substance that repels water. The pipes are so small that it is difficult to know for sure, but capillary action is so powerful there must be some way to keep water out.

Thermoregulation of Flight Muscle

Air and Water, by Mark Denny, superimposed on the cover of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
Air and Water,
by Mark Denny.
In his book Air and Water, Mark Denny discusses how tiny bees stay warm. As we saw last week when describing hummingbirds, one way to produce a lot of heat is having a high metabolic rate. But it’s complicated. Denny writes
It is a tribute to the metabolic and respiratory machinery of bees and other flying insects that this magnitude of metabolism is possible. Note, however, that this high metabolic rate is closely tied to activity on the part of the bee. It must raise its metabolic rate well above that at rest (by shivering, for instance) to heat itself up. As soon as it becomes inactive, its body temperature returns to that of the ambient air.

There is a flip side to this puzzle. If a flying bee can heat its muscles to 30° C on a cold day, it seems likely that it could overheat on a hot day. Indeed this is the case, and bumblebees have evolved mechanisms that allow them to dump heat effectively from the thorax to the abdomen, from where it is shed to the air.

If you want to learn more about bees, there’s an entire website about physics for beekeepers. It’s mainly about honey bees, which are a little like cattle: non-native domesticated livestock that are commercially important. I’m not so interested in honey bees, but focus more on the many solitary, ground-nesting or cavity-nesting species of bees native to Michigan that live in our yard, such as sweat bees, carpenter bees, mason bees, and miner bees.

Many of the physical constraints faced by bees are shared by their fellow insects, the butterflies. Next week we’ll examine in more detail the physics of butterflies.


Native bees of Michigan with Dr. Rebecca Tonietto