Friday, June 21, 2024

Patrick Blackett and Pair Production

Patrick Blackett.
In Chapter 15 of Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, Russ Hobbie and I describe pair production.
A photon… can produce a particle-antiparticle pair: a negative electron and a positron… Since the rest energy (mec2) of an electron or positron is 0.51 MeV, pair production is energetically impossible for photons below 2mec2 = 1.02 MeV…

Pair production always takes place in the Coulomb field of another particle (usually a nucleus) that recoils to conserve momentum.

I often wonder how surprising or unexpected phenomena are discovered. Pair production was first observed by English physicist Patrick Blackett. Here is part of the entry about Blackett in Asimov’s Biographical Encyclopedia of Science & Technology.

Asimov’s Biographical
Encyclopedia of
Science & Technology.
BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard
English physicist
Born: London, November 18, 1897
Died: London, July 13, 1974

Blackett entered a naval school in 1910, at thirteen, to train as a naval officer. The outbreak of World War I came just in time to make use of him and he was at sea throughout the war, taking part in the Battle of Jutland.

With the war over, however, he resigned from the navy and went to Cambridge, where he studied under Ernest Rutherford and obtained his master’s degree in 1923. In 1933 he became professor of physics at the University of London, moving on to Manchester in 1937.

It was Blackett who first turned to the wholesale use of the Wilson cloud chamber [a box containing moist air which produces a visible track when an ion passes through it, condensing the moisture into tiny droplets]…

In 1935 Blackett showed that gamma rays, on passing through lead, sometimes disappear, giving rise to a positron and an electron. This was the first clear-cut case of the conversion of energy into matter. This confirmed the famous E = mc2 equation of Einstein as precisely as did the more numerous examples, earlier observed, of the conversion of matter to energy (and even more dramatically).

During World War II, Blackett worked on the development of radar and the atomic bomb… After the war, however, he was one of those most vociferously concerned with the dangers of nuclear warfare. In 1948 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for his work with and upon the Wilson cloud chamber.

More detail about the discovery of pair production specifically can be found at the Linda Hall Library website.

In 1929, Paul Dirac had predicted the possibility of antimatter, specifically anti-electrons, or positrons, as they would eventually be called. His prediction was purely a result of his relativistic quantum mechanics, and had no experimental basis, so Blackett (with the help of an Italian vsitor, Giuseppe Occhialini), went looking, again with the help of a modified cloud chamber. Blackett suspected that the newly discovered cosmic rays were particles, and not gamma rays (as Robert Millikan at Caltech maintained). Blackett thought that a cosmic particle traveling very fast might have the energy to strike a nucleus and create an electron-positron pair, as Dirac predicted. They installed a magnet around the cloud chamber, to make the particles curve, and rigged the cloud chamber to a Geiger counter, so that the camera was triggered only when the Geiger counter detected an interaction. As a result, their photographs showed interactions nearly every time. They took thousands, and by 1932, 8 of those showed what appeared to be a new particle with the mass of an electron but curving in the direction of a positively charged particle. They had discovered the positron. But while Blackett, a very careful experimenter, checked and double-checked the results, a young American working for Millikan, Carl Anderson, detected positive electrons in his cloud chamber at Caltech in August of 1932, and he published his results first, in 1933. Anderson's discovery was purely fortuitous – he did not even know of Dirac's prediction. But in 1936, Anderson received the Noble Prize in Physics, and Blackett and Occhialini did not, which irritated the British physics community no end, although Blackett never complained or showed any concern. His own Nobel Prize would come in 1948, when he was finally recognized for his break-through work in particle physics.
If you watched last summer’s hit movie Oppenheimer, you might recall a scene where a young Oppenheimer tried to poison his supervisor with a apple injected with cyanide. That supervisor was Patrick Blackett.

The Nobel Prize committee always summarizes a recipient’s contribution in a brief sentence. I’ll end with Blackett’s summary:
"for his development of the Wilson cloud chamber method, and his discoveries therewith in the fields of nuclear physics and cosmic radiation"

The scene from Oppenheimer when Oppie poisons Blackett’s apple.



Patrick Blackett—Draw My Life. From the Operational Research Society.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Bernard Leonard Cohen (1924–2012)

The Nuclear Energy Option: An Alternative for the 90s. by Bernard Cohen, superimposed on Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
The Nuclear Energy Option: An Alternative for the 90s.
by Bernard Cohen.
Today is the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of American nuclear physicist Bernard Cohen. In Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, Russ Hobbie and I discuss Cohen mainly in the context of his work on the risk of low levels of ionizing radiation and his opposition to the linear no threshold model. Today, I will examine another aspect of his work: his advocacy for nuclear power. In particular, I will review his 1990 book The Nuclear Energy Option: An Alternative for the 90s.

Why read a 35-year old book about a rapidly changing technology like energy? I admit, the book is in some ways obsolete. Cohen insists on using rems as his unit of radiation effective dose, rather than the more modern Sievert (Sv). He discusses the problem of greenhouse gases and global warming, although in a rather hypothetical way as just one of the many problems with burning fossil fuels. He was optimistic about the future of nuclear energy, but we know now that in the decades following the book’s publication nuclear power in the United States did not do well (the average age of our nuclear power plants is over 40 years). Yet other features of the book have withstood the test of time. As our world now faces the dire consequences of climate change, the option of nuclear energy is an urgent consideration. Should we reconsider nuclear power as an alternative to coal/oil/natural gas? I suspect Cohen would say yes.

In Chapter 4 of The Nuclear Energy Option Cohen writes
We have seen that we will need more power plants in the near future, and that fueling them with coal, oil, or gas leads to many serious health, environmental, economic, and political problems. From the technological points of view, the obvious way to avoid these problems is to use nuclear fuels. They cause no greenhouse effect, no acid rain, no pollution of the air with sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, or other dangerous chemicals, no oil spills, no strain on our economy from excessive imports, no dependence on unreliable foreign sources, no risk of military ventures. Nuclear power almost completely avoids all the problems associated with fossil fuels. It does have other impacts on our health and environment, which we will discuss in later chapters, but you will see that they are relatively minor.
He then compares the safety and economics of nuclear energy with other options, including solar and coal-powered plants for generating electricity. Some of the conclusions are surprising. For instance, you might think that energy conservation is always good (who roots for waste?). But Cohen writes
Another energy conservation strategy is to seal buildings more tightly to reduce the escape of heat, but this traps unhealthy materials like radon inside. Tightening buildings to reduce air leakage in accordance with government recommendations would give the average American an LLE [loss of life expectancy] of 20 days due to increased radon exposure, making conservation by far the most dangerous energy strategy from the standpoint of radiation exposure!
His Chapter 8 on Understanding Risk is a classic. He begins
One of the worst stumbling blocks in gaining widespread public acceptance of nuclear power is that the great majority of people do not understand and quantify the risks we face. Most of us think and act as though life is largely free of risk. We view taking risks as foolhardy, irrational, and assiduously to be avoided….

Unfortunately, life is not like that. Everything we do involves risk.

He then makes a catalog of risks, in which he converts risk to the average expected loss of life expectancy for each case. This LLE is really just a measure of probability. For instance, if getting a certain disease shortens your life by ten years, but there is only one chance out of a hundred of contracting that disease, it would correspond to an LLE of 0.1 years, or 36 days. In his catalog, the riskiest activity is living in poverty, which has an LLE of 3500 days (almost ten years). Smoking cigarettes results in an LLE of 2300 days. Being 30 pounds overweight is 900 days. Reducing the speed limit on our highways from 65 to 55 miles per hour would reduce traffic accidents and give us an extra 40 days. At the bottom of his list is living near a nuclear reactor, with a risk of only 0.4 days (less than ten hours). He makes a compelling case that nuclear power is extraordinarily safe.

Cohen summarizes these risks in a classic figure, shown below.

Figure 1 from Chapter 8 of The Nuclear Energy Option, superimposed on Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology.
Figure 1 from Chapter 8 of The Nuclear Energy Option.

Our poor risk perception causes us (and our government) to spend money foolishly. He translates societies efforts to reduce risk into the cost in dollars to save one life.

The $2.5 billion we spend to save a single life in making nuclear power safer could save many thousands of lives if spent on radon programs, cancer screening, or transportation safety. This means that many thousands of people are dying unnecessarily every year because we are spending this money in the wrong way.
He concludes
The failure of the American public to understand and quantify risk must rate as one of the most serious and tragic problems for our nation.
I agree.

Cohen believes that Americans have a warped view of the risk of nuclear energy.

The public has become irrational over fear of radiation. Its understanding of radiation dangers has virtually lost all contact with the actual dangers as understood by scientists.
Apparently conspiracy theories are a problem we face not only today but also decades ago, when the scientific establishment was accused of hiding the “truth” about radiation risks. Cohen counters
To believe that such highly reputable scientists conspired to practice deceit seems absurd, if for no other reason than that it would be easy to prove that they had done so and the consequences to their scientific careers would be devastating. All of them had such reputations that they could easily obtain a variety of excellent and well-paying academic positions independent of government or industry financing, so they were to vulnerable to economic pressures.

But above all, they are human beings who have chosen careers in a field dedicated to protection of the health of their fellow human beings; in fact, many of them are M.D.’s who have foregone financially lucrative careers in medical practice to become research scientists. To believe that nearly all of these scientists were somehow involved in a sinister plot to deceive the public indeed challenges the imagination.
To me, these words sound as if Cohen were talking now about vaccine hesitancy or climate change denial, rather than opposition to nuclear energy. 

What do I think? I would love to have solar and wind supply all our energy needs. But until they can, I vote for increasing our use of nuclear energy over continuing to burn fossil fuels (especially coal). Global warming is already bad and getting worse. It is a dire threat to us all and to our future generations. We should not rule out nuclear energy as one way to address climate change.

Happy birthday, Bernard Cohen! I think if you had lived to be 100 years old, you would have found so many topics to write about today. How we need your rational approach to risk assessment. 

 Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: The Crisis of Nuclear Energy.

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Magnetocardiogram

I recently published a review in the American Institute of Physics journal Biophysics Reviews about the magnetocardiogram (Volume 5, Article 021305, 2024).

The magnetic field produced by the heart’s electrical activity is called the magnetocardiogram (MCG). The first twenty years of MCG research established most of the concepts, instrumentation, and computational algorithms in the field. Additional insights into fundamental mechanisms of biomagnetism were gained by studying isolated hearts or even isolated pieces of cardiac tissue. Much effort has gone into calculating the MCG using computer models, including solving the inverse problem of deducing the bioelectric sources from biomagnetic measurements. Recently, most magnetocardiographic research has focused on clinical applications, driven in part by new technologies to measure weak biomagnetic fields.

This graphical abstract sums the article up. 

Let me highlight one paragraph of the review, about some of my own work on the magnetic field produced by action potential propagation in a slab of cardiac tissue.

The bidomain model led to two views of how an action potential wave front propagating through cardiac muscle produces a magnetic field.58 The first view (Fig. 7a) is the traditional one. It shows a depolarization wave front and its associated impressed current propagating to the left (in the x direction) through a slab of tissue. The extracellular current returns through the superfusing saline bath above and below the slab. This geometry generates a magnetic field in the negative y direction, like that for the nerve fiber shown in Fig. 5. This mechanism for producing the magnetic field does not require anisotropy. The second view (Fig. 7b) removes the superfusing bath. If the tissue were isotropic (or anisotropic with equal anisotropy ratios) the intracellular currents would exactly cancel the equal and opposite interstitial currents, producing no net current and no magnetic field. If, however, the tissue has unequal anisotropy ratios and the wave front is propagating at an angle to the fiber axis, the intracellular current will be rotated toward the fiber axis more than the interstitial current, forming a net current flowing in the y direction, perpendicular to the direction of propagation.59–63 This line of current generates an associated magnetic field. These two views provide different physical pictures of how the magnetic field is produced in cardiac tissue. In one case, the intracellular current forms current dipoles in the direction parallel to propagation, and in the other it forms lines of current in the direction perpendicular to propagation. Holzer et al. recorded the magnetic field created by a wave front in cardiac muscle with no superfusing bath present, and observed a magnetic field distribution consistent with Fig. 7b.64 In general, both mechanisms for producing the magnetic field operate simultaneously.


FIG. 7. Two mechanisms for how cardiac tissue produces a magnetic field.

This figure is a modified (and colorized) version of an illustration that appeared in our paper in the Journal of Applied Physics.

58. R. A. Murdick and B. J. Roth, “A comparative model of two mechanisms from which a magnetic field arises in the heart,” J. Appl. Phys. 95, 5116–5122 (2004). 

59. B. J. Roth and M. C. Woods, “The magnetic field associated with a plane wave front propa-gating through cardiac tissue,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 46, 1288–1292 (1999). 

60. C. R. H. Barbosa, “Simulation of a plane wavefront propagating in cardiac tissue using a cellular automata model,” Phys. Med. Biol. 48, 4151–4164 (2003). 

61. R. Weber dos Santos, F. Dickstein, and D. Marchesin, “Transversal versus longitudinal current propagation on cardiac tissue and its relation to MCG,” Biomed. Tech. 47, 249–252 (2002). 

62. R. Weber dos Santos, O. Kosch, U. Steinhoff, S. Bauer, L. Trahms, and H. Koch, “MCG to ECG source differences: Measurements and a two-dimensional computer model study,” J. Electrocardiol. 37, 123–127 (2004). 

63. R. Weber dos Santos and H. Koch, “Interpreting biomagnetic fields of planar wave fronts in cardiac muscle,” Biophys. J. 88, 3731–3733 (2005). 

64. J. R. Holzer, L. E. Fong, V. Y. Sidorov, J. P. Wikswo, and F. Baudenbacher, “High resolution magnetic images of planar wave fronts reveal bidomain properties of cardiac tissue,” Biophys. J. 87, 4326–4332 (2004).

The first author is Ryan Murdick, an Oakland University graduate student who analyzed the mechanism of magnetic field production in the heart for his masters degree. He then went to Michigan State University for a PhD in physics and now works for Renaissance Scientific in Boulder, Colorado. I’ve always thought Ryan’s thesis topic about the two mechanisms is underappreciated, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to reintroduce it to the biomagnetism community in my review. It’s hard to believe it has been twenty years since we published that paper. It seems like yesterday.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Yesterday’s Attack on Dr. Anthony Fauci During his Testimony at the Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Angers Me

Yesterday’s attack on Dr. Anthony Fauci during his testimony at the Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic angers me. I like Dr. Fauci and I like other vaccine scientists such as Peter Hotez and writers such as David Quammen who tell their tales. But, it isn’t really about them. What upsets me most is the attack on science itself; on the idea that evidence matters; on the idea that science is the way to determine the truth; on the idea that truth is important. I’m a scientist; it’s an attack on me. We must call it out for what it is: a war on science. #StandWithScience